Top Ten Retirement Adventures: No. 2

Sue’s words transformed our lives.

It was 2012. We had just watched Martin Sheen’s movie The Way, in which the actor walks the 500-mile Camino de Santiago across Spain to honor his son’s memory. Played by real-life son Emilio Estevez, his son had died in a snowstorm during his first day on the trail. The movie was great, but I was blindsided by Sue’s delayed reaction.

“We should do it.”

I blurted out my response. “What? Walk 500 miles?” My head was spinning. I pictured sleeping and changing clothes in coed dorm rooms, showering in coed bathrooms, and carrying a backpack. My anxiety was in high gear.

“We can’t do that!” I thought my words would settle the issue.

I was wrong. So wrong. For months, Sue was a broken record.

“But what if we can?”

In spring 2013, our Merrell shoes carried us across Spain. My anxieties were quelled the first day when fellow pilgrims quickly became friends and I eventually put my fears where they belonged: in the rearview mirror. We made many newbie errors, but it didn’t matter much.

We have been walking distance trails ever since, building experiences and friendships that have formed powerful memories, leading me to again undertake the unexpected: I wrote my first book. It is Camino Sunrise: Walking With My Shadows. I have heard from readers in 10 countries and continue to feel honored every time someone orders a copy.

I am grateful that Sue never gave up on the Camino. She convinced me to take a huge risk. She showed me sometimes the best things in life come when we tread outside our comfort zone.

I hope I continue to find comfort in being uncomfortable the rest of my life.

Here It Is: My Favorite Book of 2023

If you have been following my reviews, you probably thought The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, was my favorite book that I read in 2023. It was the only book that, upon reaching the end, I immediately returned to the first chapter and read it again. I loved it the second time around, perhaps even more than the first time. It is an astounding piece of literature. But, after much contemplation, it finished a close second.

The winner? The Camino Club, by Kevin Craig. Maybe the fact that I walked the Camino de Santiago influenced my choice, but I don’t think it was the deciding factor. The Camino Club moved me like no other this year, as I found myself wrapped up in the juvenile-delinquent characters and their journey. Pilgrims who have walked the Camino like to say the experience changed their lives. For these six youths, it went beyond that. Click on the link above to see my review. If you are inclined to read more about the Camino, it is the subject of my first book, Camino Sunrise: Walking With My Shadows. My trekking experiences and my books would not have happened without my wife Sue’s talents and persistence.